
Evanston Art Makers Outpost is made possible with the support of local companies, businesses, and individuals, through their generous commitment to provide AMO with unwanted or excess materials from their companies and homes. Those items may be over-stock, used materials, or reusable waste, but regardless of where they come from, most would be otherwise destined for landfills.

If you are interested in learning more about contributing, please visit our materials contributions page.

Because of these partnerships we are able to offer our studio classes and camps at affordable and accessible prices and maintain our no-barrier scholarship program.
We are dedicated to growing so we can provide creative art opportunities to all who want them.

We welcome monetary support from community businesses and individuals so that we may provide scholarships to those in need.

If you are interested in becoming a partner, scheduling a site visit, or chatting about what you may have to contribute, please contact us at

Thank You To Our Partners: